Monthly Archives: October 2016

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Marketing, Did You Get Sold?

Category : Marketing and Sales

I have been trying to understand the difference between marketing and selling. I am especially interested in how this works in the IT industry. Surely, we all can relate to various things that we don’t need or want but end up buying throughout our life.

American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing as:
“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” – American Marketing Association

This is how one of the former professor at Harvard defined selling:
“Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about.” – Theodore Levitt, Former Professor at Harvard Business School

Quite often we can relate the success or failure of a project to the difference between marketing and selling. We will review some of the pitfalls so that you can spot issues early on. At the end of the day, the buyer needs to make sure that they are getting value and satisfaction for their money.


1. Just Launched a Site With Millions Of Users

If you hear someone saying that they just launched a site that will serve millions of users, you would imagine that it is the next Facebook. It may very well be. If it is and you are looking to build a similar system, you are in the right hands. In certain cases it may not be. What your million user need may be very different than what the system that was built delivers.Say you have a need to build a site where millions of users may log in, search, and buy products. The need for this site is very different than the need for a site like health insurance or auto insurance websites. Both the sites may very well have the same number of users but the activity level and need  is very different. In the case of health insurance and auto insurance websites, once you set-up auto-pay for the next six months or a year, you may hardly login unless there is a claim or want to add another dependent. In case of the insurance industry, they may have the need to process and generate documents either on demand or offline which may be more taxing than generating an simple invoice.Most IT executives are experienced enough to ask the right questions about concurrent users, active users, daily logins, hourly logins, peak, number of transactions etc. But there may be some who may just go with their impulse and buy a solution only to later realize that this is not what they wanted. It would be a few million dollars too late.

2. Delivered Solutions To A Major Company

We lend our ears as soon as we hear some of the major companies names. If one of the Fortune 500 companies adopted this technology, solution, or chose a vendor then they are the right ones for me. It would be very simple if that were the case. A vendor may very well be the preferred services provider for a company and deliver all the IT needs. This is great news. In some instances this is not the case. A vendor might have delivered a very small piece of a solution to a major company and use their name to win something that they cannot deliver. Asking the right questions is the key. The questions that are relevant to your project may be different than the ones that are relevant to others. Instead of going behind the big names, look to see if the vendor has what it takes to deliver what you need.

3. Look At Our Awesome Testimonials

basis2_testimonialThis is an awesome testimonial and any city that needs a new billing system for their city could consider looking into basis2. The one thing that this does not tell is how even basis2, the fifth attempt, was eventually deemed as a failure after a year. After a total of $49 million dollars and five attempts, the basis2 system sent some residential customers $331K utility bill compared to $97 for the previous month.basis2_sample_bills_customer_receivedThe company that sold the solution was able to capitalize on a failed project. For those who are interested, you can read the reports from the city at the below links.City of Philadelphia Chooses Basis2City of Philadelphia Audit Report A Year Later

Things to Consider

1.If It Works, Keep It

How many times have you heard something like, “If it is working well for you, keep it?” Typically what you would hear from a salesman is you need everything that they sell. Quite often the commission is not delivered at the end of the delivery but much sooner. Many may know very well as to what happened with the Wells Fargo fallout recently and the pressure of sales target.

2. Never Shop Hungry

We all either know this or acknowledge the saying, “Never go shopping when you are hungry.” If you are in a desperate situation, it is likely that you will buy anything that you believe will satisfy the immediate need. A more proactive solution is to continuously assess what you have and plan for the future.

3. Don’t Feel Rushed

If you hear someone say that, “if you don’t decide now, it won’t be available later,” it means the seller is more in need than the buyer. If you like to be in control of what you are buying, never let external factors take that control away. The more I have taken the opportunity to think through what I am getting without rushing, the more satisfied I am. The key here is the satisfaction, even if you end up with something else later on. Let us not confuse due diligence with procrastination.

4. Trusted Partner

The difference between a trusted partner and a con man is as that of an anchor verses a fishing rod. One helps you from drifting away and the other one attracts you with a bait. If you find a trusted partner, continue to work with them.


There is a lot that can be written on this topic. Success or failure of a project starts with someone getting sold. If you don’t have a plan for your money, there are people who definitely have plans for them. We learn a lot through failed attempts. It is a much smarter thing to learn from others failed attempts than to insist on failing yourself.

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Application Performance, A Never Ending Journey

Category : Development


Application performance has always been a concern even as hardware and memory got cheaper over the past decades. Does it really matter when you can containerize pretty much everything and even run a container per user when they are online? The answer to that is yes. Dynatrace, Newrelic and other Application Performance Monitoring providers all have those markets covered as well. So, where do we start?


As the saying goes, a good craftsman never blames his tool. You could look at this in a couple of different ways. You make it work with what you have leveraging your expertise. You choose the right tool for the work when you have the option. Once the tool is chosen, complaining about it without the proper course or change of course of action only reveals the poor craftsmanship.

If all that you have is a rock, you could still make a spear out of it. It does not mean you ignore all the inventions and discoveries that came afterwards and get stuck between a rock and a hard place.


No one has unlimited access to resources. Even if you have, it does not guarantee the performance. As explained by Amdahl’s law, the lowest performing link would limit your ability to achieve the output you want by merely scaling. It is just like trying to use a flour sieve to fill a container with water. Design your application for the task it is intended for.

As an example, if your application needs to process a lot of documents, parse them and index them, it may be better to scale that aspect of it without affecting the performance of the system. If you are buying a platform, see if the platform can easily support the scaling as shown below. If not, you need to plan for it with the tool that you have. Search engines themselves are capable of parsing, indexing and storing the documents.

Search Optimized Architecture

Quite often a system may support an external search engine but may not support externalization of document parsing. Depending on your use case, this may or may not be an issue.

Session vs Cache vs In memory Systems

Session was a great thing once upon a time. Everyone was excited about storing user interactions, data etc on a per user basis and replicating that across servers to provide a seamless failover. This architecture requires that you scale your servers vertically. Just like air fills the container, work expands to fill the time, the objects soon filled the memory. The advent of stateless architecture changed the way we viewed user interactions.

I have seen implementations where developers stored common datasets in a per user session. The data that was stored quickly filled the memory as more users logged in. A cache that can be shared across user sessions is a better option since most of that data was a read-only data. A lot of the systems are optimized at various levels. A database has its own caching mechanism. A second-level cache is supported by various systems. Some frameworks offer a third-level caching of complex objects. So, where do you start and stop? A one-size fits all may not be the option where the problems are unique.

I used the term In-memory systems to include a wide range of systems out there. It could be an in-memory database, search engine or any system that can be used to easily store and access data and has a persistent store from which you can rebuild the memory. This could be  a very good alternative to the other two means.

Upfront vs Continuous Process

Sometimes you have the luxury to continuously improve your system. If you have that luxury, that works very well with the Return On Investment (ROI). You could measure every optimization that you perform and keep improving.

You may not have that luxury sometimes. Your application needs to support certain use cases and a certain number of people. If it fails to do so on day one, it may fail to gain the trust of the users.

Design diligently. Perform the benchmark via load testing. The benchmark is a little trickier because you cannot expect the users to follow your load test use cases.


Performance Tuning

What about all the performance tuning, properties tweaking, environment settings adjustments etc? All these are useful but never substitute for a poorly designed system. You use the performance tuning as a checklist for the system that you are running. If your system was designed for a certain altitude, a mere tuning may not take you to the next height.



Don’t blame the tool. Use the right tool if you can find one. Don’t blame the design of a framework. Understand how it is designed and see if that is the one for you. If you are a team of experts and you know what you are getting into, you could make it work. If you are not a team of experts, find an expert.. Do the due diligence. If you would be happy to claim the success, don’t be afraid to take the blame and make it right.